Opening Hymn and Procession

The Opening Hymn is optional, and if used, is best a "Hymn of Invocation of the Holy Ghost" (TLH 15).

As an optional feature of Sundays and High Feasts, a procession may accompany the singing of the opening hymn. McLean prescribes the order of procession as follows: Thurifer, crucifer, taperers, choir, assisting clergy, subdeacon, deacon, celebrant.

Piepkorn discourages the procession of the choir.

Here, the choir processes and, as an effective demonstration of liturgical piety, upon reaching the front before returning down the side aisles, each pair makes a genuflection before the reserved elements.* When the attendants and celebrant have arrived at the lowest point, all genuflect together.

*At St. Paul's, consecrated reliquae, or reserved elements from the previous Mass, are kept in a tabernacle in the chancel. These elements are used exclusively for the homebound, with all that remains kept against the next communion.


Preachrboy said...

Pr. Eckardt,

You need to turn on the feed to this blog so we can subscribe....


Fr BFE said...

OK, feed's on. I think . . .

Fr. BF Eckardt, Editor-in-chief, Gottesdienst